Acupuncture for tension-type headache
Published: 19 April 2016
Authors: Linde K, Allais G, Brinkhaus B, Fei Y, Mehring M, Shin B, Vickers A, White AR
Bottom line: The available evidence suggests that a course of acupuncture consisting of at least six treatment sessions can be a valuable option for people with frequent tension-type headache.
Background: Tension-type headache is a common type of headache. Mild episodes may be treated adequately by pain-killers. In some individuals, however, tension-type headache occurs frequently and significantly impairs their quality of life. Acupuncture is a therapy in which thin needles are inserted into the skin at particular points. It originated in China and is now used in many countries to treat tension-type headache. We found randomised controlled trials to evaluate whether acupuncture prevents tension-type headache. We looked mainly at the numbers of people who responded to treatment, which means a halving of the number of days on which they experienced a headache.
Key results: We reviewed 12 trials with 2349 adults, published up to January 2016. One new trialis included in this updated review. Acupuncture added to usual care or treatment of headaches only on onset (usually with pain-killers) in two large trials resulted in 48 in 100 participants having headache frequency at least halved, compared to 17 of 100 participants given usual care only. Acupuncture was compared with 'fake' acupuncture, where needles are inserted at incorrect points or do not penetrate the skin, in six trials. Headache frequency halved in 52 of 100 participants receiving true acupuncture compared with 43 of 100 participants receiving 'fake' acupuncture. The results were dominated by one large, good quality trial (with about 400 participants), which showed that the effect of true acupuncture was still present after six months. There were no differences in the number of side effects of real and 'fake' acupuncture, or the numbers dropping out because of side effects. Acupuncture was compared with other treatments such as physiotherapy, massage or relaxation in four trials, but these had no useful information.
Quality of the evidence: Overall the quality of the evidence was moderate.
Authors' conclusions:
The available results suggest that acupuncture is effective for treating frequent episodic or chronic tension-type headaches, but further trials - particularly comparing acupuncture with other treatment options - are needed.
Key results: Ocak 2016'ya kadar yayınlanmış 2349 yetişkine ait 12 çalışmayı inceledik. Bu incelemede bir yeni çalışma da yer almaktadır. Akupunktur baş ağrısı tedavisinin başlangıcında tek olarak ya da baş ağrısı tedavisine ek olarak (genellikle ağrı kesici ile birlikte) eklendiğinde 100 katılımcının 48'inde baş ağrısı sıklığı en az yarısı olan 48 kişi ile sonuçlanırken, yalnızca normal tedavi verilen 100 katılımcıdan 17'sinde gözlendi. Akupunktur, altı örnekte iğnelerin yanlış noktalara yerleştirildiği veya deriye nüfuz etmediği "sahte" akupunkturla karşılaştırıldı. Gerçek akupunktur alan 100 katılımcının 52'sinde baş ağrısı sıklığı yarı yarıya gerilerken, "sahte" akupunktur alan 100 katılımcının 43'ü bu durumdan etkilendi. Sonuçlar, gerçek akupunkturun etkisinin altı aydan sonra hâlâ mevcut olduğunu ortaya koyan büyük, iyi kalitede bir çalışmanın (yaklaşık 400 katılımcıyla) hakimiyeti altındaydı. Gerçek ve 'sahte' akupunkturun yan etkilerinin sayısında veya yan etkiler nedeniyle düşen sayılarda fark yoktu. Akupunktur, fizyoterapi, masaj veya rahatlama gibi diğer dört tedavi yöntemiyle karşılaştırıldığında, acupunktur dışındaki diğer yöntemler etkili değildi. Quality of the evidence: Genel olarak, kanıt kalitesi orta derecedeydi.
Yazarların yorumları: Mevcut sonuçlar, akupunkturun epizodik veya kronik gerilim tipi baş ağrılarının tedavisinde etkili olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır, ancak ileri çalışmalar - özellikle akupunktur ile diğer tedavi seçeneklerinin karşılaştırılmasının – gereklidir.
J Altern Complement Med. 2012 Aug;18(8):777-83. doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0308.
Cerebrovascular response in migraineurs during prophylactic treatment with acupuncture: a randomized controlled trial.
Akupunkturla profilaktik tedavi sırasında migrenlilerde serebrovasküler yanıt: randomize kontrollü bir çalışma.
Wallasch TM1, Weinschuetz T, Mueller B, Kropp P.
OBJECTIVES: The study objective was to evaluate the effect of acupuncture on cerebrovascular response in migraineurs by transcranial Doppler ultrasound.
DESIGN: This study was a randomized, quasi double-blinded, placebo-controlled study.
SUBJECTS: Thirty-five (35) migraineurs were diagnosed according to the International Headache Society criteria. The stimulus paradigm was performed in 18 verum and 17 placebo acupuncture patients.
INTERVENTIONS: Participants were treated with acupuncture according to Traditional Chinese Medicine recommendations. All patients received one session of acupuncture each week for 8 weeks.
OUTCOME MEASURES: To evaluate the clinical effect of acupuncture treatment, headache frequency and intensity was monitored by aheadache diary. Cerebral blood flow velocity data were analyzed with a validated technique based on automated stimulus-related averaging. Vasotonus was determined by systolic and mean flow velocities and pulsality index in right and left middle cerebral arteries during rest. Cerebrovascular response was evaluated by detecting the cerebrovascular Valsalva ratio by maximum end-diastolic flow velocity acceleration during the straining phase of a Valsalva maneuver. Additionally, the centroperipheral Valsalva ratio was determined by the quotient of the cerebrovascular ratio to the corresponding blood pressure acceleration.
RESULTS: Pre-/post-acupuncture treatment comparisons between verum- and placebo- acupuncture groups demonstrated a significant decrease of days with migraine headache in the verum group (-52.5%; p<0.001), whereas placebo-acupuncture patients profited to a smaller extent and the duration of headache attack (hours/month) did not decrease significantly. Pretreatment recordings showed increased vasotonus and exaggerated cerebrovascular response in migraineurs. Pre-/post-treatment comparisons demonstrated no significant differences in vasotonus between groups, while cerebrovascular response patterns to Valsalva stimulus were significantly (p<0.001) diminished in verum-acupuncture patients, but not in the placebo group.
The findings indicate that prophylactic treatment of migraineurs by tandardized acupuncture might positively influence the dysfunction of the cerebrovascular response to autonomic stimuli, but not the cerebral vasotonus during rest
SONUÇ: Bulgular, migrenlilerin standardize edilmiş akupunkturla profilaktik tedavisinin otonomik uyaranlara serebrovasküler fonksiyon bozukluğunu olumlu şekilde etkilediğini göstermiştir,
Neurol Sci. 2014 May;35 Suppl 1:129-33. doi: 10.1007/s10072-014-1754-0.
Effects of the acupoints PC 6 Neiguan and LR 3 Taichong on cerebral blood flow in normal subjects and in migraine patients.
PC 6 Neiguan ve LR 3 Taichong akupunktur noktalarının normal kişilerde ve migren hastalarında serebral kan akımı üzerine etkileri.
Quirico PE1, Allais G, Ferrando M, de Lorenzo C, Burzio C, Bergandi F, Rolando S, Schiapparelli P, Benedetto C.
Acupuncture has been proven to be effective in the treatment of various cardiovascular disorders; it acts both on the peripheral flow and on the cerebral flow. Our study aimed to evaluate the effects of the insertion of PC 6 Neiguan and LR 3 Taichong acupoints on the cerebral blood flow (CBF) in the middle cerebral artery (MCA). These effects were measured in a group of patients suffering from migraine without aura (Group M) and in a healthy control group (Group C). In the study, we included 16 patients suffering from migraine without aura, classified according to the criteria of the International Headache Society, and 14 healthy subjects as a control group. The subjects took part in the study on two different days, and on each day, the effect of a single acupoint was evaluated. Transcranial Doppler was used to measure the blood flow velocity (BFV) in the MCA. Our study showed that the stimulation of PC 6 Neiguan in both groups results in a significant and longlasting reduction in the average BFV in the MCA. After pricking LR 3 Taichong, instead, the average BFV undergoes a very sudden and marked increase; subsequently, it decreases and tends to stabilize at a slightly higher level compared with the baseline, recorded before needle insertion. Our data seem to suggest that these two acupoints have very different effects on CBF. The insertion of PC 6 Neiguan probably triggers a vasodilation in MCA, while the pricking of LR 3 Taichong determines a rapid and marked vasoconstriction.
Özet: Akupunkturun çeşitli kardiyovasküler bozuklukların tedavisinde etkili olduğu kanıtlanmıştır; Hem çevresel akıma hem de serebral akıma etki eder. Çalışmamız PC 6 Neiguan ve LR 3 Taichong akupunkturlarının orta serebral arterdeki (MCA) serebral kan akımı (CBF) üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmeyi amaçlamıştır. Bu etkiler, aurasız migren hastası bir grup (Grup M) ve sağlıklı bir kontrol (Grup C) grubu hastalarda ölçülmüştür. Çalışmamız, Uluslararası Başağrısı Derneğinin kriterlerine göre sınıflandırılmış, aurasız migrenli 16 hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak 14 sağlıklı kişi ile yapıldı. Denekler çalışmaya iki farklı gün ve her gün alınarak tek bir akupunkturun etkisi değerlendirildi. KKA'da kan akımı hızını (BFV) ölçmek için transkraniyal doppler kullanıldı. Çalışmamız, her iki grupta da PC 6 Neiguan uyarısının, MCA'daki ortalama BFV'de anlamlı ve uzun süreli bir azalmaya neden olduğunu gösterdi. LR 3 Taichong'a akupunktur uygulandıktan sonra, ortalama BFV çok ani ve belirgin bir artış gözlendi; daha sonra, azaldı ve iğne yerleştirmeden önce kaydedilen taban çizgiye kıyasla biraz daha yüksek bir seviyede stabilize olma eğilimi gösterdi. Verilerimiz, bu iki akupunktur noktasının CBF üzerinde çok farklı etkileri olduğunu göstermektedir. PC 6 Neiguan'ın kullanılması olasılıkla MCA'da bir vazodilatasyon başlatırken, LR 3 Taichong'un etkisi hızlı ve belirgin bir vazokonstriksiyon oluşturur.